Our broad range of air handling units
Expect more – our brand promise aptly describes how we work together with our employees and our network of customers and suppliers.

We guarantee perfect climate, even under extreme conditions. Rooftop units are particularly exposed to the weather conditions. Extreme fluctuations in temperature and moisture stress the material to a considerable extent. Huber & Ranner offer the AHU you need.
Your competent contact person regarding this topic is:
Dietmar Huber
+49 8531 705-31
Referring to the quality-management we brought the principles of our concerns in view of the policy of quality closer to you. These guiding principles have been implemented yet, as you can see at the example of our numerous certifications which are from state approved test stations:
The PÜG as a certifier, adjuster and evaluater offers a multiplicity of professional achievments in the range of certification of managing systems for quality, environment and job safety. Our extensive knowledge regarding the design and production of air movement products is shown by our certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001 and by our membership to the AHU society of manufacturers. This ambitious quality standart, centers especially our specific products or services, and last but not least the contentment of our customers in Huber & Ranner`s policy of quality.
The manufacturer-association AHU-Plant e.V. is an amalgamation of leading air conditioner manufacturers, In which Huber & Ranner has been a member for many years now. The aim is to promote air conditioner plants on the highest technical niveau, design technical advocacies and provide informations to innovations. In addition, active standardisation is done.
AHU-Plants should aerate indoors hygienical conducive an hygienical acceptable. But in reality a microbial growth in the moistening apparatus or a growing mould in an air cleaner,could arise, because of mistakes in planning , construction, handling and the maintenance of the AHU-plants.
With a longlastin Know How the ILH Berlin ascertains all hygienical problems all around ventilation technology and makes hygienical certificates for AHU-plants. The products from Huber&Ranner were also certificatet by AHU, which means that our air conditioner plants fulfil hygienical requirements.
For the export of new AHU-plants to Russia, you have to consider laws brought out by the russian governement. One of these laws is the law of certification of goods and services and the russian consumer act. And because of this, you have to have a GOST-R certificate, and Huber& Ranner has one.
Flexible and simple we are there for you even after the delivery of the device and offer individual all-around service.